Cameron has a new post up in the flat ethics series, over at his place. Really smart, and worth the read. I hope to have more in response to his, and the other posts, sometime later. "And that might be the best way to put it. Ethics is a project of alleviation."
(Last minute addition before I hit publish, Ian has a response to Cameron here. I haven't really read it yet, but my skim of it makes me think there is some miscommunication going on here).
Steven Shaviro has a post on Forms of Life. It covers a lot of ground, and I don't know what to excerpt to make you click the link, but here is a taste:
Translation is then inherently problematic, because it is not just a matter of moving from one code, or one language, to another. Rather, translation involves the violence of codifying, or putting into language, a reality that stands outside of all languages and codes. Translation endeavors to make an equivalent for that which has no equivalent. It forces an exchange between incommensurables.
Scientist Daniel Chamovitz talks about plants thinking, feeling, sensing, etc over at Scientific America. (I got hit with this link like five times in one day, so I don't know the origin of the link).
I just recently finished Karl Steel's excellent How to Make a Human, and he has a prospectus of his new book over at In the Medieval Middle.
Also, JJ Cohen has a post up on grey ecology, dealing with Zombies. That is right, zombies.
And the new issue of postmedieval has an essay cluster on disability studies.
Also, Salon has an article about cannibalism.
James McWilliams interviews Timothy Pachirat, author of Every Twelve Seconds: Industrialized Slaughter and the Politics of Sight, here.
Adam Robbert has a link to a wonderful interview with Bruno Latour, on "Of Whales and the Amazon Forest: Gabriel Tarde and Cosmopolitics".
Stuart Elden alerts us to this French resource on "Aux frontières de l’animal".
Speaking of French resources, here is Andre Ling's review of Stengers' Au Temps des Catastrophes, which is a sort of sequel to her Capitalist Sorcery. Ling's review is in English, the book is still only in French.
Obstinate Obscurity has a post of her talk, Into the Pens: Considering Place and Power in the Rhetorical Scholarship of Nonhuman Animals.
Maybe I shouldn't have let such a funny post for last, but this post on how to fake reading Hegel is so perfet, so so so perfect. I am sure you have all read this post, but maybe it is time to re-read this post.
Sun Kil Moon has a beautiful new album yet. There is something wonderful about their song, "Track Number 8"