Yeah, I know I just did one of these. But I am really busy doing writing not for this blog, and I figured I could just go ahead and throw out some of the more interesting links I have seen. I don't know if I will be able to post the rest of this week.
First, and most importantly, there is a new group blog for animal studies, entitled simply, Animal. It currently features Lori Gruen, Kari Weil, Ann Marie Thornburg, and Beatrice Marovich. Go check it out.
What is a 'safe' classroom, and how do we deal with trauma in our classrooms? I don't know, but this post from Hilary Malatino on teaching trans* issues and trauma in the classroom, and this post from Anthony Paul Smith on a safe classroom might be places to start thinking about these issues.
Tim Morton's Hyperobjects is finally out.
CFP for Humanimalia on Race and Animals.
New issue from American Quarterly on Race and Animals.
James McWilliams on Chipotle's continued use of factory farmed flesh. This is the issue with humane-washing, there is just too much economic incentive to start cutting corners as market demand and share increases.
Weapons of the Strong released an interview with Judith Butler.
Figure/Ground did an interview with Bruno Latour.
Rick Dolphijn did an interview with Donna Haraway.
Mary Zournazi did an interview with Brian Massumi.
This one is a little random, but Ebony did an article on afrofuturism. With Janelle MonĂ¡e's new Electric Lady, and Deltron 3030's long waited new album out, something is in the air.
This one is for the government shutdown, Talib Kweli "Get By", from his classic Quality.