There is a new issue of the Journal of Critical Animal Studies out. It includes a review by Adam of HEALTH has a review of the film To Love or Kill: Man vs Animal. HJM of Prodigies and Monsters has a review of Carol Adams' The Sexual Politics of Meat. And Stephanie Jenkins has a review of Nussbaum's The Frontiers of Justice. There is also all sorts of other interesting stuff in the issue, go and read.
Over at New APPS is an important post on Gender and Philosophy Book Series. It's really bad, and deserves attention.
There is also an excellent and riveting interview with Ladelle McWhorter. I have enjoyed her books on Foucault, and I saw her speak at the PhiloSophia conference. An amazing and generous scholar.
Carol Adams brings our attention to some shady practices by Amazon and print-on-demand books. I had no idea.
Karl Steel (of In the Middle) new book: How to Make a Human: Animals and Violence in the Middle Ages, is finally out. I'm looking forward to reading it.
Lastly, I am not really a huge Wilco fan. I find them a fine, usually solid band. But not one of the most amazing bands of all time, as so many others find them. Still, when I saw their new album was on NPR's First Listen, I decided to listen to it. I was blown away. It is like the new album is as good as all the hype they have gotten over the years. Anyway, our music for today comes from that album.