First up, if you haven't already heard, Jeremy Crampton has a new blog, Open Geographies. He also has this cfp for Philip K. Dick and Philosophy. I'm really tempted to submit an abstract, but the time frame is worrisome to me.
Peter has a good post on Derrida and difference of animals. His position is the one I basically agree with, but I am far more sympathetic to those that just wants to render inoperative such divisions in the first place. I would also like to point out the constant refrain Derrida makes about the impossibility of ever creating a rational division between what we call the human and what we call the animal.
Rodolfo has a new blog post up on disability, the animal, and the question of 'lack.' It's really interesting, and this is my favorite part of blogging. I say some random, ill-defined thoughts, and someone else comes along and writes a wonderfully insightful blog post on mine.
Do you all think I link to Prodigies & Monsters too often? Well, I think you all don't read them often enough. HJM has a wonderful post up on Hardt and Negri's third task of identity politics (the dissolution of identity). Her reading is, shall we say, kinder than mine. Though really I don't think we disagree that much. Also, MLA has two smart posts up on Tiqqun and the Invisible Committee on the issue of Secession. See here, and here. I know I should have more to add, but I don't really. Deleuze use to talk about the importance of stammering for writing and thinking. I sometimes think that political action requires us to learn stumbling. The awkward movements that don't always go together of a plurality of plans and actions. Stumbling, like stammering, is hard to do when you are trying to go somewhere. But maybe necessary.
Tim Morton has a post on OOO and buddhism. This may sound weird to a lot of you, but I use to have a lot of hostility towards buddhism. Since that time I've been working to figure out what, exactly, I think about distinct sects of buddhism.
Here is an interesting post from PaleoVeganology on if our earliest known human ancestors ate animal flesh or not, and if we should even care.
Over at Ezra Klein's place, he's on vacation and several interesting posts on private prisons sprung up. Read here and here. Also, here is a post about how prisons produce bad citizens.
For our musical ending, I've chosen Reverend Horton Heat's It's a Dark Day. It fits the rainyness of the day where I am living.